Friday, June 8, 2012

Caribbean Cruise part 4 - Grand Cayman

The next stop on our Caribbean adventure was George Town on the island of Grand Cayman.  Whereas Haiti and Jamaica are very poor countries, that cannot be said of George Town.  Have you ever heard "I have an offshore account in the Cayman Islands?"  Well what they mean is they have money in a bank in the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes and laws here in the US.  This also means Grand Cayman has a lot of banks and a lot of money.  So it's easily the most developed and modern on our trip.

In Grand Cayman, our plan was to spend a lot of time snorkeling in the water.  We'd heard it was some of the best snorkeling in the world.  We ended up going snorkeling twice.  Just north of the pier where you get dropped off is the wreck of an old ship.  And a 1/4 mile south of the pier is a place called Eden rock that we went to.  Both were incredible sites.  We saw tons of fish including schools of 5' long tarpon, barracuda, cuttlefish, flatfish, and huge sea snails.  I definitely recommend snorkeling these sites if you go.  The water is very clear and warm (although a degree or two cooler than Labadee).

The only thing we saw other than snorkeling was a church across the street and just south of the pier.  I don't remember the name of the church, but it was constructed some 100+ years ago by a ship builder.  This was awesome and well worth seeing.  The ceiling of this church was gorgeous beams with a very dark and shinny finish on them.  The inside was worth seeing, but be warned, because of the lack of airflow the inside of this church was the hottest part of the whole trip.

Speaking of heat, just like all the other stops George Town was hot and humid.  I continued to sweat a lot, so drink lots of water.  It looked like it was going to rain on us, but it never did.

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