Friday, September 14, 2012

Windows 8 - is it Vista all over again?

Microsoft will start selling Windows at the end of October.  But in the meantime, as a Microsoft partner and Windows developer I have access to the final version of Windows 8.  So have installed and used Windows 8 on several machines over the past week.

I'm making my prediction right now, I think most computer users are going to hate Windows 8.  It is so radically different that I think most computer users will find it difficult and frustrating to use, and therefore won't upgrade.  When Vista came it there was severe backlash and users and corporations refused to upgraded choosing to stay with Windows XP instead.  I think the same thing will happen here, most people will choose to stay with Windows 7.

The main problem is the new Metro interface and the loss of the start menu on the desktop.  Anyone who has used a Windows computer in the last 15 years will find Windows 8 difficult to use.  Case in point, when I first used Windows 8 it literally took me 5 minutes to figure out how to turn off the computer.  I shouldn't have to search for 5 minutes to find the power button.  That's a big problem.

The second biggest problem, which is related to the Metro interface, is Microsoft needs to realize who users are.  I don't know the percentages, but the vast majority of Windows computers have a keyboard and mouse.  Probably much less than 1% of Windows computers are on tablets with touchscreens.  Yet Metro is designed for and geared around touchscreen.  So if you're using a keyboard and mouse prepare to be frustrated with Windows 8.

If you must use Windows 8, then do yourself a HUGE favor and download and install Classic Shell.  This is a free open-source program that restores the start menu to Windows 8.  This won't make Windows 8 the perfect OS, but it will at least take some of the sting out of switching.

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